Sunday, May 8, 2011

8/ 365

This post is just a rant about my future in college. :) You can skip it if you want. ;)

So, I've been starting studying for College entrance test since the 1st week of May. So far, things are great except for the fact that I have to write 100 vocabs. per day PLUS additional science and math homework. :)) So basically, I'm studying for review. Which is kind of weird since its already a review and we're actually studying for it. :)) But I guess that's what college entrance review centers are here in the Philippines.

Okay, since I got into the topic of COLLEGE. Thinking about it resulted to a dilemma, TO A LIFE AND DEATH SITUATION DILEMMA. :| :| :| Since most likely, I'll be taking up Dentistry for college, I need to choose ONLY between BS Biology or BS Chemistry as my course for Pre-Dent. In which, I'm NOT GOOD AT. Well, I'm not really BAD at it. I did get nice grades in Biology, and better grades in Chemistry. But the problem is, I don't know which one to choose. Biology bores me. Like REALLY BORES ME. You need to memorize terms, viruses, bacterias, animals, living things and ANATOMY. (well, anatomy and I get a long, if I HAVE THE PATIENCE FOR MEMORIZING IT!) On the other hand, Chemistry fascinates me! But memorizing won't work if I want high grades for Chem. It required application and analysis in order to survive the fascinating world of Chemistry. Plus, there's a lot of MATH IN CHEM. :) Compared to Bio. :)) So, I'm kind of torn between those to courses.

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