Friday, May 6, 2011

7.1/ 365

Like what I promised, the ORIGINAL version of Bruno Mars' The Lazy Song. :)

7/ 365

Zeal 10-11

Today is B125's 6th Monthsary! :) and because I love and miss oh-so-much, I decided to make this post about my awesome adventure with B125 over the past 2 1/2 years :) I can say my class had been through a lot of everything. UPs and DOWNs, name it, we've done it. :) Although there were times that one person hated another one, or there were a lot of misunderstandings pertaining to one person, we still managed to patch things up and make a stronger bond with each other. :) I couldn't imagine what my last 3 years in High School will be without this super awesome bunch of crazy and super fun people.

One of the things that I experienced with B125 that I will NEVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS FORGET. was those special 3 days in school. ;) ;) ;) HAHA. Those awesome awesome awesome days really made our class EVEN MORE bonded. :)


6.1/ 365

SUCHA CUTIE BABYYYYYY! ;))) He's a little charmer isn't he! :) So adoraaaable! and his eyes are soooooo WHOA!!! @-) LOVE THE EYES!!!!! 8-> I wish I have eyes like those :< haha.

6/ 365

Day 6: What Band/ Musician is the most important to you.

TWO WORDS. BRUNO MARS. YES! THE HOOLIGAN HIMSELF! ;) Super love love love LIKE REALLY MAJOR MAJOR LOVE LOVE LOVE HIS SONGSSSS! ;) haha. One of the awesome-est singers of the 21st century! He's bringing the "Elvis" hairdo back! B-) HE COOL LIKE THAT! ;)) Even if he kinda looks like a monkey, HE STILL AWESOME! 8-> What's even MORE AWESOME is that he's HALF FILIPINO!!! ;) Haha! He's just really great! BEYOND WORDS, GREAT! Although most of his songs are cheesy and sentimental and stuff like that, at least they have a meaning unlike most songs these days. It's great that someone in the music industry is actually making/ composing/ recording songs with such depth.